Oct 6, 2011

Students at Nelson and Colne College Sixth Form studying for qualifications in Theatre were treated to a special comedy workshop when Bron Edge from ComedySportz visited the College.


ComedySportz UK is the North West’s top improvisation comedy troupe who create a fast-paced improv comedy show where two teams battle it out for the biggest laughs. The players create quick witted sketches, scenes and songs from whatever suggestions are thrown at them by the audience to create a show that’s fast, feel-good and always unpredictably funny. There’s a referee on hand to steer the entertainment, call any fouls, and help the audience decide the winner.

Nelson and Colne College Sixth Form has an outstanding reputation for excellence in Theatre, where each year, students progress onto some highly competitive degree programmes. The skills gained in Theatre Studies are valued by universities and employers alike. Whether in traditional drama, or comedy genres such as those explored in the ComedySportz workshop, the ability to adapt quickly and work together to achieve your goals is a great asset to any aspiring thespian, and also one which transfers to other employability skills such as team work and motivation building.

The students took part in a number of different improvisation games, at all times trying to ensure the greatest comedy and enjoyment from their audience. The element of audience participation also gave the students a new perspective on theatre and encouraged them to think on their feet and respond quickly to feedback.

Bron Edge of Comedy Sportz said, “The main thing that our workshops help with is confidence, teamwork and quick thinking, all things that are needed in the real world and which businesses are crying out for. If these skills are developed by young people early on, it will have a real benefit in their life later on as they go into the workplace with more confidence and the ability to think on their feet. I loved working with the students at the College; they are a great group full of energy and great ideas!”

Usually based in the Comedy Store, Manchester, ComedySportz are holding a special show at Nelson’s ACE Centre on Saturday 8th October at 6pm. Tickets cost from £4-£7. Call 01282 661 080 for more information.


For more info about ComedySportz visit http://www.comedysportz.co.uk

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