Impressive new government figures show that Nelson and Colne College continues to improve the outcomes of its students – once again marking its place as the top College in Lancashire for A Levels.

The statistics, published by the Department for Education, put NCC at the top in Lancashire for A Levels, in terms of progress score, of those colleges in the county with more than 100 students entered for A Levels.

On top of that, NCC bucked the national trend to be the best in the country for improving grades in Maths and third nationally for English.

The College is also the best in East Lancashire for Vocational studies, based on progress scores, and produces results at Level 3 that are above the national average.

Progress scores look at the results a student joins with and compares them to the results they leave with, meaning students at NCC frequently achieve higher than their predicted grades.

The exceptional statistics are underlined by remarkable results as 20% of College leavers in 2016 went on to further their education at a Russell Group University – the best in the country.

Principal of Nelson and Colne College, Amanda Melton, said: “We have achieved another set of fantastic figures in the latest Department for Education statistics which show that students year after year exceed their potential by coming to NCC.

“Our success is testament to continued hard work from our brilliant staff who go the extra mile to provide a platform for our students to achieve their aspirations, no matter how high.

“We are also delighted that these latest figures reveal NCC has bucked the trend nationally for GCSE English and Maths, based on the progress that students make after school. This has been due to a clear strategic focus from governors and senior leadership, and a commitment from all College staff to ensure all our students in Maths and English have the knowledge to become high achievers.

“Maths and English are two of the most important qualifications a student can achieve – for university, further studying and employment. The fact that NCC is first and third nationally for progress scores is a hugely proud moment.

“Last year we have celebrated a 100% vocational pass rate and a 99.9% pass rate for A Levels, with more than half of all our exam entries achieving A* to B grades. We also saw our students progressing to top Universities across the country, including Oxbridge, as well as securing apprenticeships and jobs. I really couldn’t be prouder of the outstanding work of all our staff, students and governors, and am thrilled that their achievements have once again been recognised in these latest government figures.”

Maths student Paige Ramsden, 18, from Nelson, said: “The teachers at NCC are really good. They know the subject and have enthusiasm and an interest in Maths which makes lessons enjoyable.

“Lessons are also very well structured and you know exactly what you are going to be doing.

“If you are ever unsure of something, teachers are happy to answer questions and when you do ask, you get a better understanding of the topic.”

The next Year 11 Open Event takes place on Wednesday 1st February between 5.30pm and 7.30pm. There will be opportunity for visitors to talk to expert tutors, tour our facilities, take part in ‘have a go’ activities, and gather more information about courses they are interested in studying at NCC.

For more information about Nelson and Colne College contact 01282 440272 or visit