“The Pre-Professional Programme in Medicine was a great help in securing my university place at Newcastle”, says a beaming Rimsha Khalid.

Rimsha, 18, from Burnley, has secured her coveted place at Newcastle University to study Dentistry after achieving AAA in her Biology, Chemistry, and Mathematics A Level exams.

The former Sir John Thursby Community College student puts her success down to the support she has received from tutors, both inside and outside of the classroom.

Rimsha said: “I’m thrilled with my results! They will allow me to progress to Newcastle – my first choice place – and continue on my chosen career path which is Dentistry.

“I know other colleges do not offer the Pre-Professional Programmes, but the Medicine programme is invaluable. I also had the chance to complete an Extended Project qualification around teeth, which enabled me to expand my knowledge to a much more detailed level.

“My teachers at College have been really helpful and have developed my knowledge, and the environment is very friendly. The number of extracurricular activities offered is very good too and this really supports your classroom learning.”

Nelson and Colne College offers a range of Pre-Professional Programmes to students which are unique and innovative schemes taken alongside A Level studies. The programmes aim to give students the edge for university applications in extremely competitive and challenging degree and career pathways.

In 2019, Nelson and Colne College achieved a 99% pass rate and many students progressed on to Russell Group universities to take up highly competitive degrees in Dentistry, Medicine, Veterinary Medicine, Computer Science, Law and Economics.

To follow in the footsteps of this year’s A Level stars, enrolment will be taking place at Nelson and Colne College on GCSE Results Day on Thursday 22 August, and on Friday 23 August.

Nelson and Colne College is the number one college in the country for 16-18 learner achievement, based on government data, and it is number one in Lancashire for A Levels, based on progress scores. It is also the number one college in Lancashire for student satisfaction, based on the government’s FE Choices survey.

If you would like to enrol at Nelson and Colne College, contact 01282 440272 or visit www.nelson.ac.uk