Two Nelson and Colne College friends who sat the same A Level exams are progressing onto the same university course after achieving identical grades!

Molly Stone, 18, from Blacko, and Tullia Emmanuel, 18, from Clitheroe, are both heading off to the University of Nottingham to study Veterinary Medicine after both achieved AAB in Biology, Maths and Chemistry.

What’s more, they are going to be five doors down from one another when they get to Nottingham and both are thrilled with their results.

Molly, previously of Colne Primet Academy, said: “I’m very pleased I got the results I needed to get into Nottingham. I’ve always wanted to study Veterinary Medicine and my ambition is to become a large animal vet.

“I would recommend NCC to others because the teaching and support is great – the Biology and Maths staff were very helpful throughout my two years.”

Tullia, a former student of Bowland High, said: “I’m really happy with my results! My passion for Veterinary Medicine comes from having small animals over the years.

“My teachers and close friends have made College so enjoyable. The support from teachers was the reason I chose to come to NCC and I would definitely recommend the college as I have had a lot of extra help with my courses.”

In its 2017/18 results, NCC achieved a 99% pass rate at A Level and a 100% pass rate in advanced vocational courses.

The college is top in the country for 16-18 learner achievement at all levels, number one in the country for A Levels, based on progress scores, and the number one college in the country for overall Apprenticeship achievement at all ages and levels.

Government data also places NCC as the best college in the area for vocational courses, based on progress scores, while it is also the best college in Lancashire for student satisfaction, according to the FE Choices Learner Satisfaction Survey.

For more information on NCC visit or contact the Admissions Team on 01282 440272.