Year 11 school leavers have one more chance to view Nelson and Colne College’s outstanding courses and facilities at an Open Event this month.

The doors to the number one FE college in the country for A Level progress will open up to visitors again between 5.30pm and 7.30pm on Thursday 27 February. Those attending will have the opportunity to discover what life is like at Nelson and Colne College, which is also number one in the country for 16-18 classroom learner achievement.

The Open Event will showcase to visitors the broad range of A Levels and high quality vocational courses offered, as well as valuable Apprenticeships in many industry sectors.

Information will be available on new career-relevant T Level qualifications in Digital and Childcare to be delivered at College – the only one in East Lancashire – from September 2020. T Levels are enhanced by more relevant work-related content and skills development, combined with in-depth work placements with regional employers.

Principal Amanda Melton said: “Choosing a College is an important step in a young person’s life and by choosing Nelson and Colne College, you are selecting an extraordinary place to study. We continue to be a beacon for educational excellence and this is achieved by combining phenomenal teaching with hard work and high expectations.

“Each and every student at NCC receives a tailored study programme, so you can be confident in the knowledge that your future is our number one priority from the day that you first walk through our doors.

“It is an exciting time to be applying for College too, with our exceptional range of A Levels, vocational courses and Apprenticeships being complemented by new technical qualifications – T Levels. We look forward to welcoming prospective student and parents in on the night and sharing with you our outstanding offer.”

On the night, there will be the chance to enjoy a tour of the campus, view the College’s modern facilities, talk to expert tutors and members of the Careers Team, and take part in a range of exciting ‘have a go’ activities.

Visitors can also learn more about Nelson and Colne College’s outstanding extracurricular programme, and discover more about the travel arrangements to and from College, and gain further information around financial assistance.

Kieran Khaliq, 18, formerly of University Academy Keighley, achieved A*BB in his A Levels, and an A* in his Extended Project Qualification at Nelson and Colne College. Kieran was also the winner of the College’s Work Experience Award for his placement at the East Lancashire Hospitals NHS Trust and he now studies Medicine at Hull York Medical School.

Kieran said: “My step-sister recommended College to me and I chose A Levels in Science because I had really enjoyed them at GCSE level. The support from my tutor has been excellent and the teaching I have received is amazing. The resources and facilities are also great here. It really was a fantastic experience to go into a hospital environment and observe practice. I was unique as the only student in the Fracture Clinic, and to gain such insight was inspiring.”

Chloe McCaigue, 18, progressed on to Edge Hill University to study Child Nursery after achieving A* in Health and Social Care. The former Ss John Fisher and Thomas More RC High School student said: “I loved my time at Nelson and Colne College. In my experience it is a great College, tutors are very supportive and resources such as the LRC and Triangle are really beneficial. I met people who brought out the best in me and I am a more confident person now.”

Former West Craven High School student Annie Vickers, 18, is now completing an Engineering Apprenticeship at Bright Engineering after achieving Double Distinction* and Distinction in her Level 3 Engineering course at Nelson and Colne College.

Annie said: “I chose Engineering because it opens a lot of doors for you in the future. I’ve developed programming, design and basic workshop skills which I will use throughout my career. I will look back at College with fond memories as I feel lucky to have come here and experienced the things that I have done, and everything I have learned will serve me well in my Apprenticeship and in the future.”

Nelson and Colne College is also the number one college in Lancashire for student satisfaction, based on the government’s FE Choices survey.

If you would like to apply to study at Nelson and Colne College, contact 01282 440272 or visit