Chris Cook’s remarkable journey from Nelson & Colne College to a thriving career as a marketing consultant in London serves as a compelling testament to the transformative power of education and community.

Reflecting on his time at Nelson & Colne, Chris recalls: “For me, it was a transformative experience. Coming from a traditional all boys’ school, Nelson & Colne College opened up a whole new world of opportunities and possibilities.”

The college’s diverse curriculum and supportive environment provided Chris with the platform to explore his passions and expand his horizons beyond the confines of his previous educational experiences.

Nelson & Colne College offered Chris a breadth of subjects and a level of freedom that ignited his intellectual curiosity and fueled his ambition.

“The choice of subjects available was vast, much greater than what was on offer to me at my school’s sixth form, and I was able to study subjects I wanted to and found interesting.”

From economics to business studies to history, Chris found himself in a stimulating academic environment that encouraged independent thinking and personal growth.

Beyond studying, Nelson & Colne College offered Chris a great social circle where he forged lasting friendships and discovered new passions.

“For me, I kind of felt like I turned into an adult at Nelson & Colne College. Coming from school, the transition to college life was liberating.

“I found my tribe at Nelson and Colne. Within a few months, I was in a band and learning the guitar and made friends for life,” he asserts, emphasising the sense of belonging and friendships that defined his college experience.

The supportive network of lecturers and mentors at Nelson & Colne played a pivotal role in Chris’s journey, providing guidance, encouragement, and inspiration along the way.

“All of my lecturers were brilliant in their own way and had a massive positive effect on me.”

Chris says of his time at Nelson & Colne: “My experience at Nelson and Colne laid the foundation for my career I suppose in that it gave me the confidence to try new things to expand my horizons and it instilled in me a passion for lifelong learning and growth.

“We were encouraged to think big and not be restricted to what we wanted to achieve – and that was really good to hear as a 17-year-old.”

Today, Chris is a successful marketing consultant based in London.

Reflecting on his career trajectory, he said: “I’ve done a lot of different things, ranging from PR to heading communications in a Russian telecom company, and standing next to Putin, to founding a marketing agency focused on Russia. But it all started at Nelson & Colne College.”

His journey is a testament to the power of finding your tribe and thriving amidst life’s myriad possibilities.