Year 11 school leavers who could not make Nelson and Colne College’s October Open Event have another opportunity to view its outstanding courses and facilities on Monday 4 November.

The College’s doors will open up to visitors again between 5.30pm and 7.30pm when there will be the chance to come and discover what life is like at the number one college in the country for 16-18 classroom learner achievement, and 16-18 Apprenticeship achievement.

Those attending can find out more about the broad range of A Levels and high quality vocational courses offered, as well as valuable Apprenticeships in many industry sectors, and new career-relevant T Level qualifications in Digital and Childcare to be delivered at NCC from September 2020.

Principal Amanda Melton said: “Choosing a College is an important step in a young person’s life and by choosing Nelson and Colne College, you are selecting an extraordinary place to study. We continue to be a beacon for educational excellence and this is achieved by combining phenomenal teaching with hard work and high expectations.

“Each and every student at NCC receives a tailored study programme, so you can be confident in the knowledge that your future is our number one priority from the day that you first walk through our doors.

“It is an exciting time to be applying for College too, with our exceptional range of A Levels, vocational courses and Apprenticeships being complemented by new technical qualifications – T Levels. These are enhanced by more relevant work-related content and skills development, combined with in-depth work placements with regional employers.

“We are in the privileged position to be the only East Lancashire College to deliver these from September next year, and we are looking forward to showcasing these new qualifications to our welcome visitors.”

On the night, there will also be the chance to enjoy a tour of the campus, view the College’s modern facilities, talk to expert tutors and members of the Careers Team, and take part in a range of exciting ‘have a go’ activities.

Visitors can also learn more about Nelson and Colne College’s outstanding extracurricular programme, and discover more about the travel arrangements to and from College, and gain further information around financial assistance.

Carl-David Atherton, 18, formerly of Ss John Fisher and Thomas More RC High School, progressed on to the University of York to study Biology after achieving A*BB in his A Levels in Biology, Chemistry and Physics.

Carl-David said: “I’ve enjoyed all of my subjects and my teachers have been very good at ensuring that I gain a thorough understanding of what I need to be learning to support my aspiration. Outside of the classroom I have had excellent support with my personal statement.

“I’m quite driven naturally and I want to learn more but I was always encouraged at College to read up on the latest advancements in science as well, particularly in the field of genetics which is the area I would like to go into.

“In the future, I think it would be amazing to discover something new in Biology and have it named after me. That’s my ultimate ambition.”

Aisha West, 19, achieved Triple Distinction* in her Level 3 vocational Business course at Nelson and Colne College and progressed on to the University of Liverpool to study Law.

Aisha, formerly of Pendle Vale College, said: “The qualification I achieved has helped me move on to university, and my career aim is to become a barrister.

“I would recommend Nelson and Colne College to other students because I learned so much in my course that I can take forward with me, I made good friends here, and the teachers are amazing. It’s a safe and supportive environment.”

Former Park High School student Chloe Culkin, 17, is now completing an Apprenticeship in Childcare and is working as an Apprentice practitioner at Little Blossoms Nursery in Barrowford.

Chloe said: “I chose to do an Apprenticeship because I wanted to be able to understand what it is like working hands on. I would recommend an Apprenticeship to anyone who is looking to gain practical experience. I receive so much amazing support from both my employer and Trainer Assessor.”

Nelson and Colne College is the number one college in Lancashire for A Levels and Vocational studies, based on progress scores. It is also the number one college in Lancashire for student satisfaction, based on the government’s FE Choices survey.

If you would like to apply to study at Nelson and Colne College, contact 01282 440272 or visit