Here at Nelson and Colne College, we are committed to ensuring your son/daughter achieves their potential and is prepared as possible for their next step – be it university, an Apprenticeship or a job. As a parent, you can rest assured that we will be keeping you informed of the progress of your son/daughter on a regular basis, through reports and Parents’ Evenings, and will also contact you in regards to any unauthorised absences from class.


Our priority is helping our students achieve their aspirations, and we pride ourselves on our ability to help students develop academically, personally and professionally throughout their time with us. We are the number one College in the country for 16-18 classroom learner achievement in the National Achievement Rate Tables. Government data also places NCC as number one in Lancashire for A Levels and vocational studies, based on  progress scores. This means that students who attend NCC are regularly exceeding their potential. We are also number one in the country for 16-18 timely Apprenticeship achievement.

It is important to us that we provide the best advice on progression opportunities available to your son/daughter upon completion of their course. As such, we have a highly qualified careers team who work with students to ensure their progress successfully after College. Each year, we see students progress to top Russell Group universities across the country, including Oxbridge, as well as dream Apprenticeships and employment opportunities.

On this section of our website, you will find information, advice and guidance you may need about College life – from finances, to term dates, to extracurricular activities for your son/daughter. If you have any additional questions, then please do not hesitate to contact Student Services by ringing 01282 440209.