Aspiring doctors, surgeons and veterinary medics have praised Nelson and Colne College’s tailored support for helping them achieve their dream university places.

Progression destinations for successful Medicine and Veterinary Medicine students in 2021 include Imperial College London and Harper and Keele Veterinary School, as well as the universities of Edinburgh, Manchester, Lancaster, Liverpool, Newcastle, Sheffield and Surrey.

Students seeking coveted places at leading Russell Group universities for Medicine, Dentistry and Veterinary Medicine degrees can take advantage of supercurricular provision at Nelson and Colne College.

This includes the renowned Pre-Professional Programme in Medicine, which supports students with competitive university applications, and the Scholars’ Programme, designed to encourage development of critical thinking and intellectual resilience which are expected at Russell Group universities.

Samantha Kendall, 18, achieved A*, A, A in her Biology, Chemistry and Psychology A Levels and will progress on to the University of Manchester to study Medicine and pursue a career as a doctor. Samantha, formerly of West Craven High School, said:

“The Scholars’ Programme was a massive help while I prepared for my medical interviews. Victoria Syme-Taylor who runs the programme is fantastic, and the programme has taught me the skills needed for my future life at university.

“Likewise, the Pre-Professional Programme in Medicine really helped me gain a better understanding of my career and provided me with constant support when looking for work experience, placements and volunteering to build up my knowledge and experience.”

Usman Muhammad, 18, formerly of Pendle Vale College, achieved A, A, B in Biology, Chemistry and Mathematics and will progress to the University of Liverpool to study Medicine.

Usman, who has also been President of the Student Hub at College and the face of Pendle Council’s Covid-19 campaign, said: “I’m absolutely delighted with my results! I’m now going to study Medicine at Liverpool to hopefully become a doctor in the next five years.

My time at college has been amazing. The support was unreal, especially during the difficult Covid period.

It has been a really exciting time for medical science this year and I have been watching the vaccine development with interest.

For future students, I’d say ask for help when you’re struggling – that’s what your teachers are there for. The help they give you can be the difference between a whole grade.

“At College, it was very enjoyable to be part of the Pre-Med group which was a great motivation factor and provided me with key information to aid my application to medical school.”

Charlotte Hutchings, 19, achieved A*, A* in her Biology and Chemistry A Levels to add to the B grade she had previously achieved. She is progressing on to the University of Surrey to study Veterinary Medicine and has an ambition to work abroad with endangered animals.

Charlotte, previously of Bacup and Rawtenstall Grammar School, said: “I have built up my experience of working in the Veterinary Medicine area by volunteering at Medivet in Ramsbottom for three years. My ambition is to work to help endangered species such as rhinos in the poaching crisis and I have been inspired to do this after learning more about their plight.

“I would definitely recommend Nelson and Colne College. Specifically in the Science department, the teaching I have received was outstanding and the teachers genuinely want you to achieve your potential.”

Nelson and Colne College is the number one college in the country for students satisfaction, and is one of the leading colleges nationally across a range of academic measures.