An Education and Childcare student at Nelson and Colne College put her time to good use during lockdown by gaining teaching hours that have resulted in a job.

Madissa Malik, 18, formerly of Pendle Vale College, used her initiative to join a teaching agency and gain paid employment and experience during lockdown while student placements could not take place.

She then put the experience she gained during her employment period into practice when work placement opportunities could take place again in the Spring. After three weeks of placement at Little Blossoms in Barrowford, Madissa was offered a permanent position and is loving her new job.

A delighted Madissa, who is celebrating achieving an A* grade in her Education and Childcare course at College said: “It has been my dream from a young age to become a nursery practitioner and now that I am qualified I have achieved my dream! I love working with children.

“I did not want to waste my timetabled placement time of Mondays and Tuesdays during lockdown, and as nurseries were not taking students, I joined the agency to gai experience of working with children of different age groups. It is the best decision I made!

“I would recommend Nelson and Colne College to other because the high standard of teaching and the quality of the resources that are provided to students. I had lovely teachers and made some great new friends at College.”

Nelson and Colne College is the number one college in the country for students satisfaction, and is one of the leading colleges nationally across a range of academic measures.