Nelson and Colne College Sixth Form Year Two National Diploma Public Services students have attended a military style Mess Dinner to celebrate the year’s achievements.

The College’s Uniformed Public Services programme is recognised as being a highly successful route into employment in the services, or to university and training. During the course, students learn about all aspects of life in the services, including the Armed Forces and the Police, Ambulance and Fire Services. A job in any of these sectors is high pressured and physically demanding and therefore, they require people who are both determined, hard working and dedicated. Students take part in theory lessons encompassing command and control, criminal justice, government and politics and land navigation and also a number of physical activities ranging from Ghyll climbing and orienteering, to circuit training and residential trips with the Army and Navy. Each year, students progress into the Services and onto degree courses such as Police and Criminal Investigation.

The Mess dinner was the culmination of two years intensive study and training and both students and staff enjoyed a sumptuous meal in the College’s stylish restaurant Farringtons. All guests met for a Bucks Fizz reception and had professional photos taken.

The format for the evening was a military type mess dinner, with the emphasis on etiquette and politeness. Acting as Chair of Function was second year tutor Richard Watts, who ensured the process went in order as well as saying a few words of thanks to guests. There was also a Ms Vice – student – Michelle Waring who has ambitions of joining the Police Force. Also in attendance were College Principal Amanda Melton and Vice Principal – Curriculum and Quality Judith Watson. Special Guest in attendance was Mr John Parish, Chairman of the Rossendale and Pendle Mountain Rescue Team. The students invited Mr Parish as the Rescue Team had been their chosen charity for fund raising efforts this year.

Chairman of the Event and Second Year Public Services tutor Richard Watts said, “This was our third mess dinner, which is a close recreation of a formal military style dinner. It provides an excellent example of the kind of discipline required of those working in the Forces and is also a great opportunity for us to celebrate the students’ successes through the previous year. We are immensely proud of our students’ hard work and determination to succeed and I am sure that these young people, who are a credit to the College, have a very bright future ahead of them.”