Nelson and Colne College high achiever Sam Jennings’ glass is half full as the coronavirus pandemic has only sought to strengthen his ambition to work in the pharmaceutical industry.


Sam, 18, from Burnley, achieved ABB in his A Levels in Geography, Biology and Geology and is looking forward to progressing on to Lancaster University where he will study Biology.


The former Ss John Fisher and Thomas More RC High School student was meant to be gaining valuable experience in the United States during the summer, but has rolled his plans over until next year.


Sam said: “I did have a summer internship set up to go and work at a pharmaceutical company in Philadelphia, however this is being rearranged for next summer now and I’m looking forward to that.


“My ambition is to work in a pharmaceutical company creating experimental medicines for genetic disorders, and then perhaps further my research and become a professor at a university and teach my desired subject. I would love to be at the forefront of a major development that would improve the lives of others.”


Sam has “massively enjoyed” College and has relished all the experiences and opportunities that have come his way during his two years of study.


Sam added: “I’ve massively enjoyed my time at Nelson and Colne College and it has pushed me to be more independent with my learning and with my researching.


“There is a wide range of extracurricular activities available at College which help to keep your mind and body healthy and I have visited places I never thought I would be able to visit through College trips. One particular visit was to Iceland with Geography and Geology, which was a surreal experience.


“I would 100% recommend Nelson and Colne College to others who are looking to be a lot more independent with their learning and who would like more responsibility when it comes to learning certain modules. I like the fact there are lots of quiet study areas that are open for hours after College finishes in order for work to be completed, while still in a learning environment.”


Nelson and Colne College has recorded an A Level pass rate of 99% in 2020. There has been no dip in the number of A Level students achieving A*-C grades at Nelson and Colne College, remaining at 80%, with 55% achieving A*-B grades and 25% achieving coveted A*-A grades.


Nelson and Colne College is one of the leading colleges nationally across a range of academic measures – 16-18 classroom learner achievement, 16-18 Advanced Apprenticeship timely achievement, A Level progress and GCSE Mathematics and English progress.


Nelson and Colne College is also the number one college in the country for student satisfaction.


Applicants looking to apply to Nelson and Colne College still have the time. Visit or contact the Admissions Team on 01282 440272.