Nelson and Colne College is celebrating another year of outstanding results and positive destinations this Results Day following an unprecedented academic year amidst the Covid-19 outbreak.


NCC – one of the leading colleges nationally across a range of academic measures – has recorded an A Level pass rate of 99% in 2020. The college has also gained an ALPS 2 score meaning it is in the top 10% of all A Level providers nationally for the progress that students make. This is in line with the college’s status as the leading FE College in the country for A Level progress.


There has been no dip in the number of A Level students achieving A*-C grades at Nelson and Colne College, remaining at 80%, with 55% achieving A*-B grades and 25% achieving coveted A*-A grades.


Once again, the College is seeing students progress to some of the top universities in the country, including the University of Oxford, University College London, the University of Manchester, the University of Leeds, and the University of York, while other students have successfully gained Apprenticeships and employment.


Principal of Nelson and Colne College Group Amanda Melton said: “I am delighted with our latest results, and the staff and students who have made this happen in what has been a challenging year beyond measure.


“Many of our students saw their NCC experience cut short or had to quickly adapt to learning online, along with our teachers – and while we can’t celebrate results in person with them this year, we can recognise their incredible integrity, determination and drive, which has ultimately led to this success. These are the students who are going to play a vital role in the recovery of the local and national economy, and I couldn’t be prouder of that fact.


“Once again we are seeing students from all backgrounds, and with all prior attainment levels, going on to some fantastic and fulfilling destinations – top universities across the country, employment, and Apprenticeships. I thank everyone at Nelson and Colne College Group for supporting each one of our students to be extraordinary – it is the collective effort of our incredible team that sees us maintain our position as one of the leading Colleges in the country.”


Nelson and Colne College is one of the leading colleges nationally across a range of academic measures – 16-18 classroom learner achievement, 16-18 Advanced Apprenticeship timely achievement, A Level progress and GCSE Mathematics and English progress.


Nelson and Colne College is also the number one college in the country for student satisfaction.


Applicants looking to apply to Nelson and Colne College still have the time. Visit or contact the Admissions Team on 01282 440272.