Nelson and Colne College has maintained its position as the ‘number one college’ in figures released by the Department for Education.

The newly-published statistics place NCC as the number one college in Lancashire for A Levels and vocational courses as well as the leading FE College in the country for GCSE Mathematics for progress. The figures, which are based on the progress students make during their studies, also show NCC jumping to second place nationally for GCSE English.

Progress scores are calculated by comparing a student’s predicted grades based on their GCSE results against their achievements in exams at college.

The statistics come at the same time as two NCC students, Lewis Gorton and Carl-David Atherton, have received coveted Oxbridge offers.

Lewis, 17, has received a conditional offer to study Mathematics at the University of Cambridge, and has praised the college for the support he has received.

The former Colne Primet Academy student, who is studying Computer Science, Mathematics, Further Mathematics and Physics said: “The idea of going to Cambridge is something that has developed while I have been at College. I’ve always been interested in Mathematics and I’m grateful that NCC is funding some additional one to one tutoring for me, which is helping me to prepare for Cambridge’s entry exams and develop my problem-solving skills.

“The support I have received generally at NCC has been fantastic – staff here never let you down, and they are great for providing advice on careers and university courses. There is good additional support outside the classroom hours with workshops, and the open door staffroom policy for any help you may need is very useful.

“As well as developing you academically, I think College has helped to develop my personal skills with its extracurricular offer. I have been able to enjoy a range of clubs that I wouldn’t do at A Level but have the opportunity to partake in them out of pure interest.

“I really enjoy the good working environment at College – it is the ideal mix of pushing you to work hard and achieve your best academically, while supporting your personal development.”

Carl-David, 18, has a conditional offer to study Biology at the University of Oxford. The former Ss John Fisher and Thomas More RC High School student, who is studying Biology, Chemistry and Physics at NCC, said: “I’ve always been aiming to go to a top university, including Oxford, but because I’m from Nelson I really didn’t think that this was achievable. When I saw a friend gain a conditional offer from NCC last year, I decided to pursue it.

“My teachers are very good at ensuring that I gain a thorough understanding of what I need to be learning to support my aspiration, and outside of the classroom I have had excellent support with my personal statement. I’m quite driven naturally and I want to learn more but I’m always encouraged to read up on the latest advancements in science as well, particularly in the field of genetics which is the area where I would like to go into.

“I’m really enjoying my time at Nelson and Colne College. It’s a great college, very friendly and welcoming, and I would highly recommend it to others.”

In 2018, the college had a 99% pass rate at A Level and one in five leavers progressed on to study at Russell Group universities, the best in the country. This included Oxbridge successes for a third consecutive year.

Nelson and Colne College Principal Amanda Melton said: “I’m delighted with the latest Department for Education figures, which show strong performance across the board again. This success is testament to the staff in curriculum areas who work tirelessly to make this level of progress possible.

“I’m particularly pleased that our GCSE progress makes us the leading FE College in the country for Mathematics and second nationally for English. Those students who haven’t quite achieved what they hoped for at secondary school really have an excellent second chance here at NCC and will get exceptional support to gain those important qualifications.

“I’m also thrilled to hear that we have two students who have received conditional offers for 2019 from Oxbridge. Our career college ethos is focused on supporting and inspiring students’ future progression and employment opportunities, including Oxbridge and the Russell Group universities, and it highlights that there is no ceiling to progression opportunities for students studying at Nelson and Colne College.”

A Year 8, 9 and 10 Open Event will take place at Nelson and Colne College on Tuesday 30 April from 5.30pm until 7.30pm. This is a great chance to learn more about the college’s provision and extracurricular offer, to tour the campus and view its high-tech facilities, and meet expert tutors and members of the Careers Team. Visitors can also take part in a range of exciting ‘have a go’ activities and get a feel for life at the number one college in the country for 16-18 learner achievement.

For more information about Nelson and Colne College contact 01282 440272 or visit