What is Moving On?
Moving On re-engages young people not in education or employment to progress into work or further learning including Apprenticeships.
What services are on offer?
- Local accessible and flexible interventions which will interest, engage and encourage progression to more substantial employment or education.
- Tailored learning programmes.
- Information, advice and guidance.
- English and maths provision where there is a barrier to progression, including ESOL;
- Motivational activities.
- Employability and enterprise activities.
- Genuine work experience, tasters and placements.
- A dedicated Key Worker to provide coaching and mentoring support.
- Enhanced transition work.
- Support for Small and Medium Sized Enterprises (SMEs) to employ young people.
Who is eligible?
- Young people aged 15 to 18, who are at risk of becoming NEET (Not in Education, Employment or Training)
- Young people aged 16 to 18 who are already NEET are also supported.
- Young people up to the age of 24 who have learning difficulties and/or disabilities with an Education, Health and Care (EHC) Plan.
To learn more about how the project has helped young people, please visit:
http://www.movingonlancs.co.uk/success-stories/ or call 07467 487200.
Moving On is funded by the European Social Fund and delivered through the Lancashire Employment Skills Executive Partnership.