A Level Subjects

  • History

    A Levels

    History will give you a better understanding of the past, why events happened as they did and give you a clearer view of today’s society...

  • Law

    A Levels

    A qualification in Law demonstrates your ability to think clearly and logically. Not only will you be looking at a wide range of high profile...

  • Mathematics

    A Levels

    It is vital that we are able to understand mathematical ideas before we can start to apply them in the real world. A Level Mathematics...

  • Media Studies

    A Levels

    Media Studies is a challenging subject which encourages you to critically engage with and evaluate a broad range of media texts. Media Studies focuses on...

  • Philosophy, Ethics and Religion

    A Levels

    Philosophy, Ethics and Religion (PEaR) explores philosophy of religion, religion and ethics and the religion of Buddhism. It takes students on a journey through the...

  • Photography

    A Levels

    A Level Photography is a challenging and exciting course that offers you the opportunity to explore a wide range of photography aspects, such as portraiture,...

  • Physics

    A Levels

    Physics involves experimental investigation, theory and applications related to your everyday life. On the course you will discover the working of the world and universe...

  • Politics

    A Levels

    During this A Level you will learn about the government and politics of the UK and USA with a core focus on current affairs, policy...

  • Psychology

    A Levels

    Over the course of the programme, you will cover a broad range of topics, which include looking at research into the areas of social psychology,...

  • Sociology

    A Levels

    At a basic level, Sociology is the study of the society around us and our place in it. While everyday life may appear to be...

  • Spanish

    A Levels

    A Level Spanish will allow you to improve your speaking, listening, writing and reading skills to an advanced level. You will also explore the society, culture...

  • Statistics

    A Levels

    A level Statistics builds upon the statistics and probability components of GCSE Mathematics. The course employs the statistical enquiry cycle to help make sense of...